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Hydroxy Burn Sleep Rx

Is lack of quality sleep holding you back from achieving your goals? A therapeutic restorative sleep formulation, HydroxyBurn Sleep Rx contains innovative and clinically researched ingredients Recoverben® and Bluenesse®, to help athletes sleep better, reduce muscle pain, improve recovery time, improve stress levels (cortisol) and enhance mood.


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Body Science

Hydroxy Burn Sleep Rx Highlights

  • Melissa Officinalis (Bluenesse®) - Shown in clinical studies to support cognitive health by improving mental focus, concentration, memory, positive moode and increase ability to cope with stress
  • Aloysia Citrodora (Recoverben®) - Proven in a clinical study to decrease muscle pain and damage associated with strenous exercise
  • Traditional herbs Ziziphus jujuba and Kava for relaxation and to alleviate stress