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When to take Supps?


When Should You Take It?

  • The most important time is right after a workout. Your muscles are like a sponge and need instant nutrition for muscle recovery and growth.
  • Right before bed. You're about to sleep for 6 to 8 hours. That's a long time without protein. Could you imagine going throughout your day (when awake) not eating 6 to 8 hours? Right before bed is important.
  • Right upon waking. Same thing, you've just gone 6 to 8 hours without proper nutrition. Your body needs protein quick.
  • Half hour before a workout. This sets up the "anabolic window" before your workout and provides your muscles with adequate nutrition so that the effects of weight training (weight training breaks down muscle-called catabolic) are not as severe.



Definitely take glutamine right before bed. This is where the overwhelming research shows the value of glutamine raising growth hormone levels significantly by taking 5 grams before bed. Also, another great time is upon waking, when your muscles have been without significant nutrition for up to 6-8 hours. Another good time for glutamine is about a half hour or hour after working out. This helps in the recovery/recuperation process from demanding workouts. So take creatine definitely before and after your workout and glutamine right before bed and right upon waking.



Best taken 1/2 hour or so BEFORE a workout and again RIGHT after a workout.
What I do is take a creatine/juice/protein drink about a half hour before a workout and than another shake right after. This "bracketing" technique helps set up an anabolic (muscle-building) state for your muscles and helps prevent muscle breakdown from a workout (catabolism). Other than these 2 opportune times, you can add another creatine serving or two any time throughout the day. I usually recommend 25 to 30 grams of creatine on a loading phase and 10-20 grams a day on a maintenance phase.


HMB anti-catabolic agent:

Best taken after a workout to stop muscle catabolism. Can be taken in 3 doses for the duration of the day, one in the morning a couple of hours after breakfast and one immediately after training (largest dose) and one before bedtime.


Arginine/Creatine stacks for NO production:

These are best taken in 3-5 small doses during the day. The largest dose should be taken 30 mins before a workout. The idea is to give the body what is required to make nitric oxide, as it cannot make large amounts at once it is best to give it small amounts so as to make progressive amounts to help with vasodilation. Best used with citrulline and aspartic acid, also grape seed extract or maritime pine extract for pycnogenol.


ZMA for normalizing of spermatogenesis and immune system:

Zma is best taken at night before bed. Hormonal levels rise at this time and providing the body with zinc at this time means that you can optimize hormone synthesis especially for testosterone. Magnesium is the element that helps muscles relax so it is important at this time to enhance recovery. B6 is a nervous system vitamin which works synergistically in the stack to relax the body and increase the anabolic environment, furthermore explaining why it is best taken before bed to be used whilst you’re asleep.


Tribulus for increasing testosterone level to above normal levels:

Doses of tribulus for raising testosterone levels to above average should be taken in 3 doses throughout the day. A small dose should be taken in the morning whilst a moderate dose should be taken before a workout. It is advised to take it before bed to take advantage of the hormonal activity that occurs when sleeping as previously mentioned. Note: taking extremely large doses 20-30mins before the largest workout of the week has proven to be quite beneficial to workout quality.


Fat burners for increasing BMR and enabling fat mobilization:

Generally speaking these should be taken 45 mins before a workout on an empty stomach to help with lipyosis through thermogenesis. These are the stimulant based ones (i.e. ones in a thermogenic stack). For obese people or people with extremely low metabolic rate a second dose may be taken 12 hours apart from each other. Non stimulant based fat burners/mobilisers such as l-carnitine/inositol stacks should be taken at 3 progressive doses throughout the day the largest being before a workout.